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0018 - Column-style List


How to produce a column-style list with a computation.

• Code •

Single Column:

REPEAT RepeatedDialog
RESULT + RepeatedVariable

REPEAT RepeatedDialog
   FORMAT "a\rb"
   RESULT + RepeatedVariable

• Explanation •

The FORMAT line tells HotDocs how to format the output. Placing either a "\r" or a hard return after the "a", but inside the quotes, will result in a hard return being inserted after each repeat. (See Computation #0012: Returns in Text Strings)

A word of caution - if this is used inside a computation - the Hard Return will be treated as a Soft Return in your document, which could lead to problems if the line is full justified. I would use Left Justified for the line the computation is on.

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• Code •

Multiple Columns:

REPEAT RepeatedDialog
   RESULT + "«VariableA»\t«VariableB»\t«VariableC»\r"

• Explanation •

This example shows how to use the escape characters "\t" (tab) and "\r" (return) to create a quick-and-dirty table. The variables VariableA, VariableB, and VariableC all belong to RepeatedDialog. We place them all together in the same text string. This requires us to place the variable names in chevrons (just type two << or >>). We then separate the variables with tabs ("\t") and place a return at the end ("\r").

In your document, you will want to adjust the tab stops so that the columns will fit enough text to accomodate the potential answers.

See Computation #0012: Returns in Text Strings, and Computation #0059: Tabs in Text Strings.