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0136 - State Name to State Abbreviation


Converts a state name into the two-letter state abbreviation.

• Code •

IF State = "Alabama"
ELSE IF State = "Alaska"
ELSE IF State = "Arizona"
ELSE IF State = "Arkansas"
ELSE IF State = "California"
ELSE IF State = "Colorado"
ELSE IF State = "Connecticut"
ELSE IF State = "Delaware"
ELSE IF State = "Florida"
ELSE IF State = "Georgia"
ELSE IF State = "Hawaii"
ELSE IF State = "Idaho"
ELSE IF State = "Illinois"
ELSE IF State = "Indiana"
ELSE IF State = "Iowa"
ELSE IF State = "Kansas"
ELSE IF State = "Kentucky"
ELSE IF State = "Louisiana"
ELSE IF State = "Maine"
ELSE IF State = "Maryland"
ELSE IF State = "Massachusetts"
ELSE IF State = "Michigan"
ELSE IF State = "Minnesota"
ELSE IF State = "Mississippi"
ELSE IF State = "Missouri"
ELSE IF State = "Montana"
ELSE IF State = "Nebraska"
ELSE IF State = "Nevada"
ELSE IF State = "New Hampshire"
ELSE IF State = "New Jersey"
ELSE IF State = "New Mexico"
ELSE IF State = "New York"
ELSE IF State = "North Carolina"
ELSE IF State = "North Dakota"
ELSE IF State = "Ohio"
ELSE IF State = "Oklahoma"
ELSE IF State = "Oregon"
ELSE IF State = "Pennsylvania"
ELSE IF State = "Rhode Island"
ELSE IF State = "South Carolina"
ELSE IF State = "South Dakota"
ELSE IF State = "Tennessee"
ELSE IF State = "Texas"
ELSE IF State = "Utah"
ELSE IF State = "Vermont"
ELSE IF State = "Virginia"
ELSE IF State = "Washington"
ELSE IF State = "West Virginia"
ELSE IF State = "Wisconsin"
ELSE IF State = "Wyoming"

• Explanation •

This computation looks at the variable State (it can be a text or a multiple-choice variable) for a recognizable state name. If it locates one, it will return the proper two-letter state abbreviation for the state. Otherwise it will return the contents of State.

NOTE: By far the easiest way to go from state name to state abbreviation (or vice versa) is to use a multiple choice variable. Use either the state name or the state abbreviation as the multiple choice option text and the other as a merge text value. See Computation #0054: Referencing Multiple Choice Merge Text.


• Contributors •

Ian Burrows
Direct Document Solutions
+617 3342 6674 0421 067 793
11 Wolseley Street